Monday, December 21, 2009

The Tabernacle - The Furniture Within The Holy Place (Lesson 6)

(Exodus 25,27,30,37)

We should never cease to MARVEL at the WONDERS OF OUR SALVATION.
[1]. At the Brazen Altar - FORGIVEN; At the Laver - CLEANSED.

[2]. All this was accomplished on the CROSS.

[1]. To know these, the believer must enter the DOOR that leads from the OUTER COURT into the HOLY PLACE.

[2]. This REQUIRES a definite act of FAITH as was required to enter the GATE, and many Christians have not taken this SECOND STEP.

(a). A saved person in the COURT sometimes thinks that it is so wonderful what more should he want (it is glorious Just to be saved, but what more glorious to enter into sweet fellowship with Christ).

(b). The Tabernacle is not seen UNTIL INSIDE.

[3]. To grow a Christian must enter, we cannot hold fellowship with the world and enter at the same time; we cannot take the world with us, we cannot know the joys of the yielded life until fully consecrated. WITH REVERENT HEARTS we enter the SACRED PLACES reserved for PRIESTS UNTO GOD (Heb. 9:23-28; I Pet. 9) (the believers) as seen in the THREE PIECES OF FURNITURE (Rev. 1:5,6).

I. THE TABLE OF SHEWBREAD - (North) (Ex. 25:23-30; 31: 18; 37:10-16).

FELLOWSHIP - in CHRIST is seen here. The Lord desires to have fellowship with us, and more - that we know Him better, so He has provided a table for us to come around - this is His invitation to the believer to commune with Him by feasting upon the Bread of Life (John 6:35).

We can do this by feasting on the WRITTEN WORD, both in private and public Bible study we find the answer to our every need (in Christ).

A. THE SIZE - 2 by 1 by 1 1/2 Cubits

[1]. The Table was large enough to receive all who are worthy to come (all who will enter and desire this inner fellowship); but small enough to exclude all who are not worthy (l Cor. 11:28,29).

B. MATERIALS - Shittim Wood, overlaid with gold (humanity and divinity).

C. CHARACTERISTICS - Not an ordinary table, there were some peculiarities:

[1]. THE BORDER: Perhaps a ledge around the table to hold the utensils.

[2].TWO CROWNS: Of gold - one, kept bread on the Table; second, kept things from falling off the border.

(a). The twice-crowned Lord: once with thorns, and the crown He will wear as King of Kings, Lord of Lords.

[4]. RINGS AND STAVES: Used to carry the Table when traveling, it went with them; we have the WORD, which can be taken anywhere we go (Israelites had no abiding place in the wilderness, ever on the march; the Tabernacle was a picture of God's complete provision: Table, food; Candlestick, guidance; Altar of Incense, intercession).

[5]. VESSELS: Dishes, spoons for putting incense on the bread; and covers and bowls for the drink offering.

D. THE SHEWBREAD - Was that which the priest fed upon, the priests would then be representatives of the people.

[1]. 12 loaves of bread on the Table at all times, two rows of six each.

[2]. (Lev. 24:5-9) The priests would eat the bread once a week (flavored with frankincense), and it was replaced as it was eaten (never a time of no food).

[3]. The basis of our fellowship is Christ, He is sufficient, all we need.

[4]. Feeding and feasting on Christ is not a SHALLOW ENTERTAINMENT, but a time of nourishing and strengthening.

[5]. Unleavened - Leaven is a type of sin ("no fault in Him "Pilate).

[6]. Fine Flour - Of the earth, crushed, not palatable until baked; here is the testing, suffering Christ.

[7]. "Standing Up" - There were no chairs for them to sit down, for the House of God is not a PIECE OF EASE AND ENTERTAINMENT but the place of WORK AND SERVICE (no laziness, no excuses).


LAMPSTAND (South) (Exodus 25:31-40; 37:17-24; 39:37)

Here is TESTIMONY, giving forth LIGHT, a symbol of CHRIST THE HOLY SPIRIT, and THE BELIEVER Joined together.

A. SIZE AND SHAPE - No size given, but shape and design given in detail (the most beautiful and ornamental piece of furniture).

[1]. A center shaft with three branches on each side, making seven lamps (Christ is the center Jn.15:5); we are the branches (Matt. 5:14).

[2]. Estimated weight would be around 100 pounds of gold.

[3]. Six branches differed from the center shaft;

(a). 3 bowls, 1 knop, 1 flower on each branch - the center shaft had 4 of each - also a knop under each set of branches.

[4]. Lamps for oil - usefulness as well as beauty, to give LIGHT.

(a). Tongs, snuffers and snuffdishes for trimming, morning and evening.

B. BEFORE THE LORD - (Exodus 40:25)

[1]. The lampstand is not light before the world, but the world knew that it was alight, when we seek to live for his glory only, the world will say: These men have been with Jesus."


[1]. "Beaten of gold" (Is. 53:5,10) - suffering, bruising of Christ.

[2]. "Beaten olive oil" - The sufferings of the Holy Spirit (Eph. 4:30).

III. THE ALTAR OF INCENSE - (Center, West) (Ex. 30:1-10,34-38; 37:25-29).


Here is CHRIST in whose name our prayers must ascend [Matt. 17:5; Eph. 1:6).

How eager we should be to learn how to PRAY and to PRAISE HIM.

[1]. SIZE - 2 by 1 by 1 cubits - just large enough to serve its purpose.

[2]. MATERIALS - Shittim Wood, overlaid with gold (Christ makes intercession in Heaven for the believers on EARTH.

[3]. A CROWN - To keep fire from falling to the ground (fire with incense).

[4]. HORNS - As on the Brazen Altar, speak of power and strength - POWER OF PRAYER.

[5]. RINGS AND STAVES - For travel, prayer is not limited to time and place.

[6]. PURPOSE - Shows forth the greater work of the Cross, and NOW becomes our MEDIATOR.

[7]. POSITION - In the Holy Place BEFORE THE THRONE, the Mercy Seat; as Christ is now not sitting on a throne, but at the right hand of God.

[8]. THE INCENSE - Equal portions of:

(a). STACTE - The natural gum of the myrrh tree; myrrh being artificially produced by incisions.

(b). ONYCHA - A perfume that was rendered from shellfish types.

(c). GALBANUM - Resinous, yellow-brown incense, but it is not known from what plant or tree it was derived.

(d). FRANKINCENSE - Resin of the Boswellia tree, which grows 40 feet high in India and Arabia. it has a balsamic smell and bums with a white name and fragrant odor.

Note: This lesson from the Old Testament is on the Jewish Tabernacle during the time of Moses. Taught by Dr. James Modlish.

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